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Holy Trinity Church, Sandgate Road, Folkestone, CT20 2HQ


Holy Trinity Church Holy Trinity Church
Located in Sandgate Road, with an unusual octagonal tower, the church has a commanding position in the town of Folkestone.
At Holy Trinity Church you will be greeted by a committed and welcoming congregation and you will enjoy a superb choir. Our services tend towards the traditional and include a strong element of prayer. We encourage everyone to develop a prayer routine through training and guidance, with occasional quiet days, prayer days and weeks of guided prayer. This has noticeably permeated our worship and gives us a strong foundation for future mission.
An active network of home groups supports Bible study. We have a strong ministry of healing and wholeness, with a dedicated monthly service. Private prayer and the Laying on of Hands is regularly included within Sunday services.
2016 Restored Walker Organ 2016 restored Walker organ
We have a small hospitality area at the back of the church and an adjacent hall which is used every day. When not used for church purposes, it serves as a community centre for many local organisations. 
Lunch on Friday follows the service of Holy Communion on the first Friday of the month, giving an opportunity to stay for fellowship over a delicious meal.
Holy Trinity maintains strong links with Christ Church CEP Academy, which holds significant services in Holy Trinity Church; many choir members have been recruited from the school over the years. Folkestone School for Girls holds its Christmas service in the church and some of our members have long-term involvement in the leadership of local uniformed organisations who use our hall and attend Parade Services in the church.
The three-manual Walker organ was restored in 2016 and is one of the finest parish church organs in the southeast. Listen to Organ symphonies recorded live.
The church is a very popular wedding and concert venue with many services and events held throughout the year.
The Choir at St. Paul's Cathedral, London August 2019 The Choir at St. Paul's Cathedral, London August 2019
The choiraffiliated to the Royal School of Church Music, nurtures its younger members and our music follows a Cathedral style. We sing for all the church's major services, including the beautiful service of Choral Evensong, which is sung every week at 6.30 pm (apart from the 5th Sunday at 3 pm).. Additional Organ and Choral Scholarships are funded by theFriends of the Music
In 2017 a Pentecost service with Archbishop Justin Welby, on the final day of Thy Kingdom Come, was broadcast live on BBC One. 2010 saw two services recorded by the BBC Songs of Praise series, they were broadcast on Remembrance Day 2010 and Palm Sunday 2011. 
We regularly take our music to cathedrals across the country, most recently to Canterbury Cathedral (livestreamed here) and St. Paul's Cathedral, London in 2019 and Westminster Abbey in 2018: excerpts from live recordings from these trips are available here.

Opening Times

Monday09:00 - 11:00
Wednesday12:00 - 14:00
Friday09:00 - 11:00
Sunday08:00 - 09:00
10:00 - 12:00
18:00 - 19:30
Outside opening hours,visit our Contact Us page for phone/email details

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© Trinity Benefice, Folkestone 2014-24
c/o St George's Church, 8 Audley Road, Folkestone, Kent, CT20 3QA
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