Services in the three churches

The lists below show the current pattern of Sunday and Weekday services held in each of the three parish churches.


As the actual services may vary, particularly near to major Christian festivals, e.g. Easter and Christmas, please use the mini-Calendar alongside for more accurate information on services on particular dates.


Last updated on 12 January 2024

St George's

Sunday 10.00am
Eucharist (1st Sun)
All-age café-style service (2nd Sun)
Eucharist (3rd Sun)
All-age café-style service (4th Sun)
Sunday 6.00pm
Evening Prayer (3rd Sun)
9.00am Iona style service (Sat)

Holy Trinity

Sunday 8.00am
Holy Communion
Sunday 10.30am
Eucharist (1st Sun)
Eucharist (2nd Sun)
Eucharist (3rd Sun)
Choral Eucharist (4th Sun)
Sunday 6.30pm
Choral Evensong
8.30am Morning Prayer (M,W,F)
11.30am Holy Communion * (Fri)
* followed by Lunch on 1st Friday of month

St Paul's

Sunday 10.30am
Eucharist (1st Sun)
Family Communion (2nd Sun)
Morning Prayer (3rd Sun)
Eucharist (4th Sun)
Sunday 6.00pm
Evening Prayer (1st Sun)
8.30am Morning Prayer (Tue,Thu)

NOTE Where there is a 5th Sunday in a month, please view the mini-Calendar above to discover the services on that date.

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